While you have an open DUI case against you, it is important to understand that there are a number of things that you are responsible for completing. Failure to accomplish any of these requirements may lead to more charges – and more jail time. In order to avoid any complications in an already stressful case, it is up to you to know what is expected of you and to stay on track in accomplishing it.

Know the Timeline

One important thing to note would be any deadlines. You have to be vigilant in completing tasks on time in order to stay compliant with the court – as well as to expedite the entire process. You might even save yourself some time by completing certain tasks early, as some depend on others being completed first.

This is the case with a DUI screening here in Scottsdale: the courts will use the results of said screening in order to decide what the next steps in your case will be. This may include a number of alcohol education courses that may take some time to complete, so the quicker your DUI screening is done, the quicker you can move on to completing these course.

Know Your Limitations

With conviction of a DUI comes a number of limitations. Quite possibly the most notable would be the limitation of mobility with a suspended or revoked driver’s license; and though it may be difficult to continue with daily life – let alone complete all of the tasks mandated by the court – it is NOT worth getting caught driving on a suspended license. This may lead to longer suspension, revocation of driving privileges altogether, and/or even jail time.

Do know, however, that completing your DUI screening may lead to a restricted driving permit well before you can get your privileges fully reinstated. This can make completing other requirements – and getting on with life – a lot easier, so it pays to get this step done early.

Know the Process

Last, but certainly not least, take it upon yourself to become familiar with the entire DUI process and make use of the many tools at your disposal. The more educated you are with the process, the more ready you will be to tackle what lies ahead of you.